
What's New? Update – May 30, 2003

This has been a busy and exciting month. The Kirkridge male survivor weekend was brilliant. 41 powerful men attended from many parts of the US and Canada. Their courage and creativity were inspiring; their energy and commitment to recovery were infectious. We're looking forward to next year's event, which will be held on August 6-8, 2004 (see Upcoming Events page).

I've also (finally) completed the revisions to Victims No Longer. It's now in the hands of the publisher. They seem to be pleased with the results (as am I) and plan to release it in early 2004.

In September 2003 I'll be offering a one day male survivor workshop in Minneapolis, as a pre-conference institue for the annual MaleSurvivor Conference. For further information and registration, visit the MaleSurvivor web site (see Resources page).

Speaking of resources, I've just added some interesting new links to the Resources page, Fire In Ice (the male survivor organisation in Liverpool, UK) and The Awareness Center (addressing sexual abuse in Jewish communities worldwide).

I'm grateful to the generous individuals who contributed to the Ken Hampton Travel Fund (see the April 22 entry below). The fund is growing, and I'm increasingly confident that we will be successful in bringing Ken to U.S. for the Minneapolis Conference. He is slated to participate in a panel presentation that will focus on "various cultural interpretations of sexual abuse, and the male stereotypes that influence disclosure and recovery from sexual victimization". In addition to Ken, the panel is expected to include a survivor from Cuba, a Canadian First Nations (Native) survivor, and mental health workers from Nigeria and Bangladesh. It promises to be an exciting and important event.

Finally, I have been communicating with the director of the Survivors West Yorkshire group in England about a possible male survivors workshop in Bradford, West Yorkshire in September, 2003. I'll let you know more once plans are set. A great deal of exciting work is being done by male survivors throughout the UK.

I continue to be impressed by the strength, courage, and creativity of male survivors and their allies. I wish you continued success in your recovery.

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